Create an Account

Create a free account. Be sure to enter a first name or nickname so Dream Owl can personalize its interactions with you. In addition to providing this information, you will need to agree to the Terms and Conditions below.

Account Information

What is your gender?

How old are you?


Overview and Key Information

This website is designed to help you learn more about your dreams. After creating an account, you can login to write about your dreams using an AI-assisted interviewer, Dream Owl. Dream Owl will invite you to discuss a recent dream and will ask you follow-up questions to help you explore the connections among your dream, your personality, and things taking place in your life. Dream Owl will also offer you an interpretation of your dream, but please note that this is for fun. You might find the interpretation informative and interesting, but please note that Dream Owl does not have genuine insight into the nature of dreams.

You may use this site as a dream journaling system. That is, once logged in, you can view previous dreams you have entered, transcripts of your conversations with Dream Owl. Also, after entering a few dreams, you can use Dream Owl to explore 'meta-connections' among multiple dreams you have recorded. You can also view the artwork that Dream Owl generates for your and other's dreams.

Although this is a dream journaling website, we are also hoping to use it for academic research. That is, we will collect a large corpus of dreams from people across the world. By analyzing the content of those dreams using machine-learning and statistical tools, we hope to learn more about dream content, how different dream-related themes are associated with one another, and the presence of specific themes relates to other factors of interest, such as the age or gender of the dreamer, the country in which they live, or ongoing social and political events.


You will be asked a few background questions and will be asked to report on a recent dream. This will take approximately 10 to 15 minutes total. Participation is voluntary and you may skip any questions you do not wish to answer. You may quit at any time without penalty.


The risks of this study are minimal. You may feel upset thinking about your dreams. These risks are similar to those that you experience in daily life.


We cannot promise any direct benefit for taking part in this study. However, possible benefits include learning something new about yourself and your dreams.

How will the researchers protect my information?

Your participation in this research will be kept confidential; we will only be collecting your contact information for the purposes of allowing you to login, verify your account, and to notify you of future survey opportunities. Your contact information will not be shared with other parties. The researchers will keep the information you provide confidential. However, the service hosting this survey (GoDaddy, Qualtrics) may have access to the data you submit and your IP number. We cannot guarantee that this service will keep information you submit confidential. We will also be using OpenAI's generative engine for the chatbot and will be passing your chatbot interview responses to their API. We will not be passing along your contact information or any other information you provide, however.

Who will have access to the information collected during this research study?

Efforts will be made to limit the use and disclosure of your personal information, including research study records, to people who have a need to review this information. We cannot promise complete secrecy. There are reasons why information about you may be used or seen by other people beyond the research team during or after this study. Examples include: University officials, government officials, study funders, auditors, and the Institutional Review Board may need access to the study information to make sure the study is done in a safe and appropriate manner. We will not ask you about child abuse, but if you tell us about child abuse or neglect, we may be required or permitted by law or policy to report to authorities.

How might the information collected in this study be shared in the future?

We will keep the information we collect about you during this research study for study recordkeeping and for potential use in future research projects. Your email address will be stored securely and separately from the rest of the research information we collect from you.

The researchers may contact you again for research purposes. The PI would like to retain your contact information to contact you for future research participation. This information will not be shared with other researchers but will only be retained for potential interest in research with this PI.

The results of this study could be shared in articles and presentations but will not include any information that identifies you unless you give permission for use of information that identifies you in articles and presentations.


Only adults at least 18 years of age who are not located in China may participate in this research.

Person to Contact

Contact Information. This research is being conducted by Dr. Chris Fraley of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. For more information concerning this research, you can reach Dr. Fraley at If you create an account on our website and decide later to have your information deleted or removed, please send an email request to Dr. Fraley and he will remove your data as soon as possible.

Institutional Review Board: If you have any questions about your rights as a research subject, including concerns, complaints, or to offer input, you may call the Office for the Protection of Research Subjects (OPRS) at 217-333-2670 or e-mail OPRS at If you would like to complete a brief survey to provide OPRS feedback about your experiences as a research participant, please follow the link here or through a link on the OPRS website: You will have the option to provide feedback or concerns anonymously or you may provide your name and contact information for follow-up purposes.

Costs and compensation to participants

There are no costs to participating in this research. There ais no compensation for participating in this research.

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Notice/Consent

The University of Illinois System Privacy Statement and Supplemental Privacy Notice for certain persons in the European Economic Area and the United Kingdom describe in detail how the University processes personal information. Your personal information will be collected for the purpose of research as previously described in this informed consent notice. In addition, your personal information will be processed outside of the European Economic Area and the United Kingdom on University of Illinois servers, other collaborating university servers, and/or with cloud storage services hosted by third parties.

I consent to the processing of my personal information for the purpose of research as set forth in this informed consent notice. I understand that I may withdraw my consent at any time, but doing so will not affect the processing of my personal information before my withdrawal of consent.

Some of the personal information we are asking you to provide may pertain to special categories of personal information under Article 9 of the European Union GDPR and the United Kingdom GDPR. As with all of the questions in the survey, answering these questions is completely voluntary.

The legal basis for collecting the special category information is consent, which you may withdraw at any time; however, doing so will not affect the processing of your personal information before your withdrawal of consent.

China's Personal Information Protection Law

You may not take this survey if you are currently located in China due to China's Personal Information Protection Law.
I am not located in China


I have read and understand the above consent form, I certify that I am 18 years old or older and, by clicking the submit button to enter the survey, I indicate my willingness voluntarily take part in the study. Moreover, if I am currently located in the European Economic Area, I consent to the processing of my personal information for the purposes set forth in the Terms of Service.

The University of Illinois Web Privacy Notice and Supplemental Privacy Notice for certain persons in the European Economic Area describe in detail how the University processes personal information. Please print this consent form if you would like to retain a copy for your records.